Japan tour - 2013
Grigory Sedukh has visited Japan at July 2013.
It was realization of Keiko Kawashima-san and Grigory Sedukh project of the second generation Violin-Piccolo soloists' creation. Three students took part in this project as Grigory Sedukh's students.
Two Japanese students: Furudate Yukako-san
and Odaira Naomi-san got Grigory Sedukh's lessons.
Also one Russian student Semion Zaharyaev had got Grigory Sedukh's lessons.
Semion Zaharyaev is Grigory Sedukh's student from Violin-Piccolo education group of St.Petersburg's Conservatory.
All these students had got series of lessons from July 22 till July 31.
July 25 Keiko Kawashima-san, Toshio Suganuma-san (He is violin maker who has created Violin-Piccolo for Grigory Sedukh's students), Grigory Sedukh and Semion Zaharyaev visited Daikanyama Music Academy of Violin Making.
Grigory Sedukh and Keiko Kawashima-san told to students about history of the Violin-Piccolo creation. Also we told to students about particular qualities of the Violin-Piccolo's construction and playing.
Grigory Sedukh is showed his own original system of violin's sound tuning. System include the touching of the some points on violin's body by short segment of metal wire or even metal pen. The violin's sound is change as a result of this touching.
Grigory Sedukh is showed his own original system of violin's sound tuning. System include the touching of the some points on violin's body by short segment of metal wire or even metal pen. The violin's sound is change as a result of this touching.
July 27 Keiko Kawashima-san, Grigory Sedukh, Furudate Yukako-san and Semion Zaharyaev
took part at the transmission of Rainbow Town FM.
July 31 Concert at the Tokyo Olympic Center.
Keiko Kawashima-san organized workshop for children before concert.
Also Keiko Kawashima-san organized mini symposium before concert what was devoted for specialities of the Violin-Piccolo's sound and construction.
It was Debut Concert of the Violin-Piccolo soloists of Second Generation.
Grigory Sedukh's students Semion Zaharyaev and Odaira Naomi-san were the soloists in this concert. Grigory Sedukh has made debut as conductor for students' playing in this concert. They played in accompanied of the "Infini " chamber orchestra under leadership of Violinist Kuroudo Kobayashi-san.
Another Debut Concert of the Violin-Piccolo soloists of Second Generation took place at the
Ebisu Art Café in Tokyo on August 2.
Grigory Sedukh's students Semion Zaharyaev and Furudate Yukako-san was soloists in this concert.
Grigory Sedukh have presented his Midi-Video project "Glance into Eternity"
You can find more information about this project at the site: